



Exciting news! We are thrilled to announce the inauguration of the "Carl Edelmann Street" on our company premises in Heidenheim, Germany. This special event, held in honor of our 110th anniversary, was a remarkable milestone in our history.

The ceremony was attended by esteemed guests, including shareholders, the advisory board, management, and Mayor Salomo, who joined us to commemorate this special event. 

Formerly known as the "Sontheimer Weg," this newly renamed street now proudly bears the name of Carl Edelmann, our visionary founder. His remarkable journey began in 1913 when his father, Carl Edelmann Sr., took over the Weller printing house in Heidenheim. After assuming joint leadership of the company with his sister Gertrud following their father's passing in 1941, Carl Edelmann Jr. demonstrated extraordinary entrepreneurial courage and a clear vision. Today, we have become an internationally recognized packaging company, constantly embracing and overcoming various challenges. 

The renaming of this street symbolizes our deep respect for Carl Edelmann's enduring legacy and his indelible impact on our organization. We take immense pride in honoring his contributions and carrying his pioneering spirit forward into the future.